Cloud and server
Mojo: Juju Service Orchestration distilled
by Tom Haddon on 13 January 2015
In Canonical’s IS Department we use Juju for service orchestration. It’s a great tool for quickly spinning up complex services, tying them together and...
Cloud and server
Ubuntu partner ecosystem growth continues
by John Dolen on 13 January 2015
Hear what our partners have to say. A primary reason for Ubuntu’s success is an active, and growing ecosystem of partners that work with us to build cloud...
Cloud and server
Truphone uses Juju to demo world’s first telecom solution in minutes
by Maarten Ectors on 16 December 2014
World’s first demo of live, open source telecom service runs in the cloud … and all in software Truphone‘s head of R&D together with TeleStax, Metaswitch and...
Cloud and server
Charm Workshop: Writing Charms for Restrictive Networks
by Jorge O. Castro on 8 December 2014
In an ideal world your systems can reach any internet resource for whatever they need for deployment. However the real world is different, and many production...
Cloud and server
Charm Workshop: Your first five minutes of charming
by Jorge O. Castro on 18 November 2014
As part of the Ubuntu Online Summit, Charles Butler and the rest of the crew go over some things you might want to consider during your first five minutes of...
Cloud and server
Bare-metal magic at the Open Compute Summit
by Canonical on 14 November 2014
In the week before the OpenStack Summit, Mark Shuttleworth was a keynote speaker at the Open Compute Summit (OCP) in Paris. Mark gave an overview of the...
Cloud and server
Gladinet join Canonical’s Charm Partner Programme
by Ellen Arnold on 29 October 2014
Canonical are excited to announce Gladinet as the most recent addition to their Charm Partner Programme. Gladinet Cloud Enterprise provides a brandable,...
Cloud and server
Introducing the Canonical Distribution of Ubuntu OpenStack
by Canonical on 28 October 2014
The Canonical Distribution of Ubuntu OpenStack is the easiest way to create reference OpenStack clouds in minutes with full management, monitoring and scaling...
Cloud and server
Getting Started with Juju Relations
by Jorge O. Castro on 24 October 2014
Relations are a very important part of what Juju does. Automating installation is a solved problem, but the ability for Juju Charms to connect services...
Cloud and server
Charm Workshop: Charm Testing
by Jorge O. Castro on 18 October 2014
What is bundle tester? How to set up and run, how to write tests, and how Canonical automates the running of these tests for you.
Cloud and server
Getting Started with Juju
by Jorge O. Castro on 17 October 2014
In this session we go over what Juju is, and how to get started using it.
Cloud and server
Deploying workloads on IBM POWER8 Systems
by Jorge O. Castro on 17 October 2014
In this demo we show how you can use Juju to deploy workloads onto IBM POWER8 systems.