
Publication date 6 August 2020

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

Cvss 3 Severity Score

7.5 · High

Score breakdown

etcd before versions 3.3.23 and 3.4.10 does not perform any password length validation, which allows for very short passwords, such as those with a length of one. This may allow an attacker to guess or brute-force users' passwords with little computational effort.

Read the notes from the security team


Package Ubuntu Release Status
etcd 24.10 oracular
Needs evaluation
24.04 LTS noble
Needs evaluation
23.10 mantic Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
23.04 lunar Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
22.10 kinetic Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
22.04 LTS jammy
Needs evaluation
21.10 impish Ignored end of life
21.04 hirsute Ignored end of life
20.10 groovy Ignored end of life
20.04 LTS focal
Needs evaluation
18.04 LTS bionic
Needs evaluation
16.04 LTS xenial
Needs evaluation
14.04 LTS trusty Not in release



No fix available: The etcdctl and etcd API do not enforce a specific password length during user creation or user password update operations. It is the responsibility of the administrator to enforce these requirements.

Severity score breakdown

Parameter Value
Base score 7.5 · High
Attack vector Network
Attack complexity Low
Privileges required None
User interaction None
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality High
Integrity impact None
Availability impact None
Vector CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N