Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Converting eth0 to br0 and getting all your LXC or LXD onto your LAN
by Jay R. Wren on 10 November 2015
Wayne has a great post on the new juju lxd work. I’ve been using it a bit and it is awesome. It is super fast and I can create and destroy environments faster...
Cloud and server
Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju
by dimitern on 8 November 2015
In the past months our Juju Core Sapphire team has been working on the design, planning, and implementation of a set of extended networking features for Juju...
Cloud and server
Everyone Can Have a New “Datacenter” Right Now, Even You!
by Randall Ross on 29 October 2015
A (new) datacenter? Me? Really? Why would I want that? Answer 1: Because if you’re an individual, you have problems to solve that cannot be solved by...
Cloud and server
Now you’re charming with layers
by Cory Johns on 29 October 2015
Charming with layers is a relatively new approach to writing charms that we, as the Juju community, are begining to use. The idea is to allow better re-use of...
Cloud and server
OpenStack Summit Tokyo: Day One
by Canonical on 28 October 2015
Yesterday was our first full day here at OpenStack Summit Tokyo, and the themes seemed pretty clear. Increased focus on applications and containers –...
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Charming 2.0 – Now with 100% more awesome Pt.2
by Charles Butler on 26 October 2015
Continuing from my blog last week, lets rewind to looking at a basic bash based historical charm. ├── config.yaml ├── hooks │ ├── config-changed │ ├──...
Juju status flasher on Ubuntu Snappy
by Tom Callway on 26 October 2015
Matt Williams shares a proof of concept project I’ve been working on that combines the worlds of Ubuntu Snappy and Juju. View original Google+ post
Cloud and server
MySQL performance tuning between disk types
by Adam Israel on 22 October 2015
Introduction We sat down with the intent to benchmark various flavors of MySQL (Oracle MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona) on Amazon EC2 in order to measure the...
Cloud and server
Charming 2.0 – Now with 100% more awesome
by Charles Butler on 22 October 2015
Editors Note: This post is one of many in a series covering the newpatterns in charming. This first post will be information heavy andcover a walkthrough of...
Cloud and server
Juju Big Data at Strata+Hadoop World
by Andrew McLeod on 19 October 2015
Earlier this month, myself and Kevin — another member of the Juju big data team — attended the 2015 Strata+Hadoop World conference in New York City. As my...